
Don’t find customers for your products, find products for your customers.
– Seth Godin


Marketing is the process of identifying customers and "creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging" goods and services for the satisfaction and retention of those customers.
According to studies, nearly 90% of small businesses invest in marketing. Marketing is an excellent tool for increasing awareness of your products as well as establishing yourself as a reliable and reputable brand in your chosen niche.

If you want to jump on the marketing train with your small business, a good first step is to consider the four Ps of marketing.

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Marketing vs Sales

Marketing caters more to building brand awareness—in other words, getting your company’s name out there in a sea of competitors.
Sales, on the other hand, is about completing a deal and turning the interested consumers a marketing team has gathered, into customers.

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What is social media marketing?

Social media marketing is a type of digital marketing that uses social media platforms to promote your brand. This involves much more than random posts on your business accounts. An effective social media marketing campaign requires sound strategy and planning.
Social media marketing has become a vital component to the market mix of many businesses.

Once you create your business profiles, you’ll need to maintain and optimize them. Then, you’ll want to develop a content calendar that describes what you’ll post, when you’ll post it and where you’ll post it.

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